Organizing Tips for Kids

Organizing can be a challenge for anyone, but children are especially prone to messes. If you are hoping to create a sane and mess-free space for your child to enjoy, the secret is in the setup. These organizing tips can help ensure that your child has a space they can easily clean up on their own and keep tidy without a struggle.
Use Hooks Everywhere
Children are prone to avoiding the extra effort needed to open closets, totes, or other multi-step organizing devices. Kids are always in a hurry to move on to the next activity, so give them an uncomplicated way to store their favorite items. Hooks on the wall are accessible and simple, making it the easiest way to tidy bookbags, coats, and clothing.
Rotate Toys
Kids are active and may not reliably clean up right away. Unfortunately, if they have too many toys, this can lead to an overwhelming mess very quickly. Keep messes small and let kids truly enjoy the toys that they have by rotating them throughout the year. This can ensure that each time they play with their new set of toys, it feels fresh and fun, but there are never too many things to clean up at once.
Use Visual Organizing Strategies
Children are visual creatures. They love having their favorite belongings in sight and ready to play with or simply look at. This can lead a lot of children to simply leave their toys on the ground. Since that isn't a functional option, utilize organizing strategies that let them display their favorite items. Clear organizers, open shelving, and see-through baskets are all excellent options for kids who want to see everything they love.
Find What Works
Every person has their own organizing needs, kids are no different. While some strategies tend to work for everyone, some strategies are simply not right for an individual. Be willing to experiment when organizing your child's room to find what works best for them. Don't forget to ask for their input and observe what seems to be working and what seems to need a new solution.
Add Labels
Some items will inevitably need to be packed in a storage container. Anything that is not visible should be clearly labeled so that your kids know exactly where to find their favorite items and precisely where to put them away at the end of the day. Labels can make all the difference. If your child is not yet old enough to read, consider using pictures or photos to label instead.
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